Bahrain Bourse Disclosure Requirements. Wednesday May 12 2021. PD-12A Requirements for Annual Audited Financial Statements Retail Branches of Foreign Banks.
Changes in interest of Substantial Shareholders - Tuesday May 25 2021 1421 GFH. Manama June 15 BNA. 11 of 2018 for the implementation of the Self-Regulatory Organization SRO Bahrain Bourse issued amendments to the Listing Rules.
7 of 2021 in Respect of the Sus.
Listing of Treasury Bills Issue No. PD-14 Additional disclosure in the annual audited financial statements of banks listed on the Bahrain Stock Exchange BSE PD-15 Disclosure relating to precious metals and commodities trading activities. The issuer should appoint a representative office in Bahrain for the registration of the bondssukuk distribution of dividends reports and. Bahrain Bourse National Bank of Bahrain BSC would like to announce the following material information.