Bourse De Commerce In Paris. Several years passed before Aillagon got word that a magisterial Paris site was available. Pinaults 3000-luxury-magnet collection as well as an underground auditorium.

Bourse of Commerce is in a small square not far from Forum Les Halles and on weekends an outside. Image courtesy of Bourse de Commerce. Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own.
The view of the glass ceiling and mural at the Bourse de Commerce.
Paris former stock exchange the Bourse de Commerce will reopen its doors this week having undergone a 195 million transformation into a new landmark museum for contemporary art. Several years passed before Aillagon got word that a magisterial Paris site was available. The circular glass-domed Bourse de Commerce built in the 19th century on the site of an 18th-century grain exchange and flanked by a mysterious tower topped with a sort of iron cage all that remains of a 16th-century mansion built by Catherine de Medici which once. The Bourse de Commerce is situated between the Louvre Museum and the Pompidou Center by Renzo Piano and Richard Rogers and the 170 million museum will house Mr.